【Why Not ? (為什麼不?)】 Joe Sung (宋邦光)



A number of years ago my parents-in-law (許憲宗牧師夫婦) were visiting us at our home in Houston, Texas for a period of time. One afternoon, I received a phone call from a member of my church elder/deacon nominating committee asking me to serve as a deacon. I was surprised by the phone call and did not know what to response right away. I said that I would think about it and call her back. My mother-in-law was sitting next to me at that time when the call came. I told her about the phone call and asked her what she thought. She did not hesitate at all and said: “Why not”. As you may know, my mother had Parkinson disease for some time and had some difficulty in her physical movements. She was a pastor's wife and a very loving person. Deep in her mind she wished she could do a lot of things that were just not possible for her to do because of the Parkinson disease. This simple “Why not” response from her just engraved in my heart at that moment and became a constant reminder from then on in my life. I picked up the phone right away to call the committee member back and agreed to serve.

Later on, every time someone from church asked me to do something, I have never hesitated to accept. At my church in Houston, I served a second term deacon, one term of elder, participated in an adult mission trip to Taiwan, taught Bible study classes, led adult mission teams to Taiwan twice and participated in many volunteering activities for the community. All of these were because of the simple “Why not” from my mother-in-law.

When we came back to Taiwan for a long stay, we worshiped at Sintiam Presbyterian Church. When Pastor Huang (youth group leader) left for a new call, one elder asked me and Ann to lead the youth group. Even though we are so much older than the youths but the “Why not” inside me urged me to accept it. It was full of fun and meaningful activities: weekly meetings, Bible study, invited speakers, annual mission trips in June, BBQ and hiking to Lion's head mountain, in New Year's eve to see the 101 fireworks, etc. When we were off the youth group leadership, I thought I could take it easy for some time, but Deacon Lin asked me the very next day to teach one adult Sunday school class(基要真理). Again, I was humbled but accepted the challenge without hesitation. I prepared the class with weekly Powerpoint slide shows that took some time to collect information but made it easy and interesting for the students to understand. I really enjoyed preparing and teaching this class.

Most recently, when 秀美姐asked me to write an article for 《新店信仰大道》見證集 to celebrate 新店教會設教140週年, Although the “Why not” inside me said so, but I hesitate a little bit because my Chinese writing is very rusted and I am not good in using the computer to write Chinese. However, 秀美姐agreed to translate this article into Chinese for me, then I accepted the invitation and feel honored to do so. I am very grateful for her encouragement and translation by 吳婉鈴姐妹.

I give you the“Why not”challenge. When Jesus called on his disciples to follow him, they did not hesitate. I am sure in their mid, they said,“Why not”. Let's all go out to do God's work without question whenever someone needs you!

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.(Matthew 4:19-20)

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: It is more blessed to give than to receive."( Acts 20:35)


為什麼不? 宋邦光







「耶穌對他們說:『來跟從我,我要叫你們得人如得魚一樣。』他們就立刻捨了網,跟從了他 。」(馬太福音4:19-20)

「我凡事給你們作榜樣,叫你們知道應當這樣勞苦,扶助軟弱的人,又當記念主耶穌的話,說:施比受更為有福。」(使徒行傳 20:35)
